Cubase drum map for the Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0 N.Y. Avatar kit

There’s a job I really don’t want to go through again – creating a drum map in Cubase for the Toontrack Superior Drummer (version 2.0) N.Y. Avatar full kit. Painful though it was it’s finally done and the resulting drum map saved. See the Downloads section at the end it you want to try and grab if yourself.

If you are interested I used information from the following sources to help:

There were differences between the information on the Google Doc and my setup. What the reason is for the differences I don’t know but you may need some customisation to suit your particular setup.

The process I followed was to create a new empty drum map in Cubase – using the Drum Map Setup… option – and selected the empty drum map as the map for the midi track controlling Superior Drummer. I then opened the drum editor in the bottom zone in Cubase 9. As expected all the keys were set to ‘Sound xx’ ready for me to rename. I also opened the Superior Drummer instrument window so I could preview sounds from the drum editor, see what was actually being triggered in Superior Drummer and then name the instrument appropriately.

Drum Map Creation

Once the key map was finished I saved it to an external file using the Drum Map Setup… dialog again. That’s it. Time-consuming and tedious but not difficult.

By the way, if you’re looking for drum maps compatible with EZDrummer expansions you might try this GitHub repo created by a generous chap called Jim.


Here is the Cubase drum map for the Toontrack Superior Drummer N.Y. Avatar full kit. By all means grab it and try it but do so at your own risk blah, blah, blah..

Download “Cubase drum map for the Toontrack Superior Drummer N.Y. Avatar kit” avatar-full-kit.drm – Downloaded 3152 times – 69.79 KB


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not working for me on cubase 9.5 🙁
If you have an explanation…


No explanation I’m afraid but you didn’t give much to go on. I’m using Cubase Artist 9.5 build 55 (64 bit) on Windows 10 with Superior Drummer 2 (v2.4.4) and it’s working fine. I haven’t tested it with Superior Drummer 3 yet and I’m not sure I’ll be upgrading for a while.