The fifth mode of the Harmonic Minor scale is Phrygian Dominant. A pretty evocative sounding mode that reminds you strongly of Spanish gypsy music. Use of the term “dominant” should …
Category: Guitar
Here’s a quick post with additional information about the Amp Maker WF-55 guitar amplifier kit that featured in one of my YouTube videos recently. You can get the Amp Maker …
Following on from other posts in this series here is part 3, covering strings 3 to 5. A quick reminder about triad construction. A triad contains 3 notes – obviously …
The diminished seventh chord (o7) is one of the most exotic and beautiful harmonies that equal temperament has to offer. This chord type has a completely symmetrical structure. It is …
Continuing my look at Melodic Minor modes this post covers mode 5, Mixolydian b6. This mode is rarely used so this post will be short. It’s included for completeness rather than …
Continuing my look at Melodic Minor modes this post covers mode 4, Lydian Dominant. This mode is sometimes called the Lydian b7 or Overtone Scale. As a matter of interest George Russell …