Here are just a few quick notes about gain staging in Cubase 10. Nothing comprehensive here; these are just my notes to remind me how to set things up. Step …
Blog Posts
At long last I’m going to continue my exploration of minor keys. In the first post in this series I observed that attempting harmonic analysis of music written in minor …
Following on from other posts in this series here is part 3, covering strings 3 to 5. A quick reminder about triad construction. A triad contains 3 notes – obviously …
The diminished seventh chord (o7) is one of the most exotic and beautiful harmonies that equal temperament has to offer. This chord type has a completely symmetrical structure. It is …
The basic blues format In general the blues is a combination of minor pentatonic melody played over a harmonic progression emphasising the tonic, sub-dominant and dominant chords. It’s also common …
The problem Something I have observed with jazz harmony is that the rules that apply to major keys are comparatively straightforward when compared with those of minor keys. Previous posts …