The seventh mode of Harmonic Minor is known as Altered Diminished. If you’re masochistic you can also call it Super Locrian ♭♭7. It is also called Diminished Whole-Tone. It is …
Tag: Guitar
The sixth mode of Harmonic Minor is known as Lydian #2. This mode is bright and ethereal like Lydian, but with an unusual, almost Middle Eastern colour due to the …
The fourth mode of Harmonic Minor is known as Dorian #4. A mystical, exotic Dorian sound with Lydian-like qualities due to the raised 4th (#4) which adds tension. Scale formula …
The third mode of Harmonic Minor is known as Ionian #5 or Augmented Major. It is bright and somewhat “dreamy” due to the augmented fifth. Scale formula The formula for …
The second mode of Harmonic Minor is known as Locrian ♮6 (Locrian Natural 6). Scale formula The formula for the Harmonic Minor scale is: 1 – ♭2 – ♭3 – …
The fifth mode of the Harmonic Minor scale is Phrygian Dominant. A pretty evocative sounding mode that reminds you strongly of Spanish gypsy music. Use of the term “dominant” should …